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Looking forward to IFA

Looking forward to IFA

IFA (International Franchise Association) is the world’s largest organization for franchise leaders. Every year, IFA hosts an annual convention that hosts franchisor and franchise-specific businesses to come together to explore and learn more about the franchising world. This year, FranFund will attend the convention on February 26th in Las Vegas.

With 9 representatives across leadership, sales, marketing, and franchisor relations departments, we look forward to attending the annual IFA convention. At FranFund, we are always looking for ways we can improve ourselves and our business for future franchise owners. We are looking forward to expanding, learning, and reflecting on how FranFund can be the best for future business owners.

Coming together with franchise industry experts, we are excited to collaborate with our existing relationships within the industry. We cannot wait to continue growing and maintaining these relationships to further enhance our business.

Over the course of four days, FranFund will engage in educational sessions. This year, our representatives will attend meetings on topics from women in franchising to roundtables on leadership and emerging franchisors. We are eager to learn and collaborate.

From business development, personal growth, and networking expansion, FranFund representatives cannot wait to gain knowledge within the franchise community at IFA.



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