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Franchise Business

Celebrating MLK Day amid Minority Entrepreneurship and Economic Power in Franchising

“Faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which...

4 New Year's Resolutions for Small Business Owners

“Next year is going to be even better than this year.”

Why It's Important to Find the Right Suppliers

Starting your franchise business is probably one of the most exciting things you have ever done. And it should be! You’re embarking on a new career...

Essential Skills to Have When Starting a Franchise

Starting a franchise business is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to become an entrepreneur. Unlike starting a business from scratch, it...

The Importance of Franchise Businesses in Local Communities

You’ve probably heard the phrase before, especially during election cycles. Small businesses are the backbone of America. You might be quick to roll...

5 Common Misconceptions about Franchising

You’re likely familiar with franchising. Franchises are a cornerstone of the American economy, employing millions of people and generating hundreds...

5 Things to Do Before Leaving a Corporate Job to Start a Franchise Business

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

4 Things Dogs Can Teach Us About Franchise EntrepreneurshIp

It’s dog-eat-dog. Let sleeping dogs lie. The tail is wagging the dog.

Celebs who Franchise

When your kid said they wanted to be like Shaquille O'Neal or Drew Brees when they grew up, we can almost guarantee they didn't mean future franchise...

Celebrating the Legacy of Black Entrepreneurship

During the month of February, we celebrate Black History Month.

All of us are well aware of the significant contributions made to our society by the...